Steve Snyder-Hill did not ask to be thrust into the national spotlight - as a member of the US Military, his love of country has been at the forefront of his mind decades prior to the 2011 Fox News/Google/YouTube debate. He is a lifelong Ohioan, and is extremely passionate about our state and nation's well being. Everywhere he goes, he speaks with charismatic authenticity - people quickly learn that they can trust him as a leader, and as a man. In trusting one's judgment of character, no greater decision is made than who to have by one's side - and the quality of character displayed by his husband, Joshua, is that of an equal and a rock-solid partnership in marriage. Would his service be "two for the price of one?" You bet!

Steve also is not just tied to one issue. Besides his decades of service in the military and his personal story and advocacy on LGBT causes, his day-to-day work centers on preserving critical social safety nets for Franklin County, Ohio families. His efforts ensure that peoples' basic quality of life is maintained, and that this component of government is run efficiently, with the best use of taxpayer dollars. Steve will be able to work not in terms of partisanship, but in a spirit of problem-solving. When others run from concerns, every instance of Steve's life proves his resolve to be otherwise.

Steve is not the kind of person to desire or seek public office - but he is the kind of person who knows what it means to serve. Our state and nation deserve Steve Snyder-Hill - and he needs to know we stand behind him as he considers his future endeavors.
Paid for by Volunteer Contributions of Friends of Steve Snyder-Hill, Not Authorized by any formal Candidacy or Committee. (c) 2013 Created by Designed for the Win.